Saturday, April 21, 2012

Vertically Striped Radio - Episode 159 - 04-21-12 - Bald is Beautiful

The show that killed Dick Clark keeps churning along. Things get a bit off the rails as Craig watches sports while doing the show. While trying to keep the show on track, we catch the tail end of Bruins-Capitals, we call the final few outs of a perfect game pitched in Seattle by the Chicago White Sox's Philip Humber, and Craig keeps his eye on a Nuggets victory in Phoenix which sealed a playoff berth for Denver. In between all that sports action, Craig and Face talk a good deal of...sports.

Despite the fact that things were pretty loosey-goosey, it was actually a pretty fun show. (And not entirely based around sports.) The Whale showed up as Face and Craig went head to head in the Magnificent Seven with Top 7 Bald Guys.

The show finished up with the Vertically Striped Radio television correspondant Elevation calling in and gabbing about Mad Men and The Walking Dead with Craig. We wrapped up with a music recommendation of "Same Thing" from the Barenaked Ladies.

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