Monday, April 26, 2010

The Bounty of the Shek Republic

Wow, just...Wow. Whoever designed this hat REALLY likes Pittsburgh.

The prizes from winning the Shek Republic Fantasy Football league are STILL pouring in, even though it's April now. The most recent prizes for winning include this magnificent Pittsburgh hat from Mike Dell (a.k.a. #19) and a collection of Colorado themed sports cards from Josh Semrow (a.k.a. Fourthand26). So thanks to those two gents for their lovely gifts. Seriously, that hat is...something. It's not good, but it is something nonetheless.

Truly, Yellow is one of my best I was born to rock a tank top!

In addition to the prizes, Trace Smith of the Southeast Sports Beat sent me a team jersey from his intramural basketball team which he nicknamed, "The Shek Republic." I guess this makes me an honorary captain, and don't I just look stunning in yellow?

Anyways, thanks guys! You're the best!

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