Jerry Fairish called in to formally announce that he is not Security Guy Irv, although Major Minority produced some compelling audio evidence. I believe Jerry, as though Jerry does seem like a nice guy, I'm not sure he's as "nice" as he'd have to be to truly play SGI. In true conspiracy segment style, we'll leave it up to you to decide.
The Vertically Striped Music Recommendation this week was "Cease to Begin" by Band of Horses. As always, you can listen in on the widget below or download the podcast at www.blogtalkradio.com/verticallystripedradio; You can even subscribe on iTunes if you like...just search for Vertically Striped Radio, we're right there!

Here is the hairstyle that got 8th grader Dustin Reader suspended from school. I know it's tough being a Bengals fan, and to be fair that hair looks hideous; but this kid doesn't deserve to be suspended over this. School administrators need to chill out, the Bengals are good...he may never live long enough to enjoy it ever again! All we are saying is give Meep a chance!
Here is a news local news story featuring Dustin's plight! I love how his father treats this as a free speech issue, and is drawing a line in the sand that his boy is not going to get his hair changed. I love a man that fights for his principles.
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