One of the weird and yet interesting parts of my job is that you get to see little glimpses into the lives of others. I work for a company that helps sell off properties that have gone into foreclosure, and when we take over properties, one of the things that one of our vendors do is take pictures of the properties as they appear before cleaning, and then they clean and take photos of the property after cleaning to show what work they've done and why they deserve to be paid.
It's these before cleaning pictures that often yield the most interesting results. Some people live in absolute holes of filth and in some of the most deplorable conditions I have ever seen. Other times, I just get weird insights into the lives of others.
Today, I saw a picture that was one of those weird insights into a life I don't understand. The picture at the top of this post is of a product called "Ferret Sheen" which is apparently Ferret Shampoo. I had never considered that Ferrets would need baths, but apparently they do, and also apparently, some intrepid company is marketing a special brand of shampoo specially formulated for ferrets. I had no idea. Somehow, the idea of Ferret Shampoo never occurred to me, and yet, there it is in all it's glory. These are the interesting types of things that you can learn if you just keep your eyes open. Yup, Ferret Sheen. The world is now a slightly more interesting place than it was to me when I woke up this morning, due to the fact that I am now aware of this product.
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